I'm still getting a fair number of hits on these blogs, but still no comments or conversations. Therefore, I'm going to stop posting here and henceforth will only be posting on my 'flyoverlandia' blog,
How can the US can retain (regain?) its status as a first-world country, rather than continue what I see as its Third World Drift? Readers of my other blogs may be surprised by some of the opinions expressed here. Although I generally consider myself on the progressive left-- particularly on environmental issues-- on issues of crime and law and order I stand somewhere to the right of Benito Mussolini. I'm in favor of civilization. You'd be surprised how many people aren't.
I'm still getting a fair number of hits on these blogs, but still no comments or conversations. Therefore, I'm going to stop posting here and henceforth will only be posting on my 'flyoverlandia' blog,
There's a war going on between low-intelligence people and high-intelligence people, and the low-intelligence people are winning. This needs to stop, and be reversed.
Still getting all these hits from Singapore, but no comments. All right then, let me ask you this: Should the US bring back corporal punishment? Click on the post, and a comment box will come up.
I've been getting a lot of hits on these blogs lately, from all over the world, but no responses or followers. Any comments? I'd like to get a conversation started.
This modest (but hopefully inspiring) little tract is available on Amazon as both ebook & paperback. Contains breathtaking nighttime NASA images of whole regions of the planet.
'Step back and look down.'
So let’s run a little thought experiment using our fabulous ‘laboratory of the states.’ Let’s pick a couple small states—say New Hampshire and Vermont, cute little side-by-side New England states. Let’s say New Hampshire decided to try to become a high-IQ state. First off, they’d give everybody IQ tests. Then they would encourage (i.e., financially incentivize) high-IQ people to reproduce and discourage (financially disincentivize) low-IQ people from reproducing—not providing further welfare benefits for out-of-wedlock children, providing free hysterectomies, abortions, vasectomies, etc. Similarly, they would encourage high-IQ in-migration and low-IQ out-migration.
Then, just for the sake of argument, let’s say that left-wing,
Vermont went in the opposite direction. They would also give everybody IQ tests
but would use them to encourage low-IQ reproduction and discourage high-IQ
reproduction. Similarly, they would encourage low-IQ in-migration and high-IQ
out-migration. (No rational government would ever do this, of course, for
obvious reasons.)
What would these two states look like after a couple
generations? New Hampshire would be a civilized, prosperous first-world state,
well-versed in the science and technology of the modern world, with great
public schools and a low-to-nonexistent crime rate. Vermont, meantime, would have become an impoverished, corrupt,
crime-ridden third-world hellhole.
Do you doubt it?