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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

on the offensive

One thing's for sure.  It's not enough to tell third-world types to 'get   with the program' of becoming civilized, educated , and responsible.  We have to go  on the offensive to make sure it happens.  We can't allow the US to become a third-world country.  This is a non-negotiable demand.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Yes, it's politically incorrect, but shouldn't we admit that IQ is important, that higher-IQ nations are likely to be more successful than lower-IQ nations?  It seems perfectly reasonable to me, for example, that private companies would request prospective employees to take an IQ test.  It would be an important-- although probably not determinative-- element in evaluating job applicants.

strictly third world

Tattoos and piercings.

Monday, July 23, 2012

bumper sticker thoughts

Scientists and engineers . . .

. . . are more important than athletes and entertainers.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


In a first-world society, evolution would select for intelligence.  In a third-world society it simply selects for sexiness, which is often akin to ignorance if not outright stupidity.  How can we create a society that selects for intelligence?

Friday, July 13, 2012

npr segment

I posted the following comment to a segment on 'All Things Considered' about a single mother trying to eke out a living in Reading, Pennsylvania, which is now evidently the poorest city of its size in America. The segment aired on Wednesday, July 11,2012, if you're interested.  It makes for fairly dispiriting listening.

"If this woman is typical of the residents of Reading, it's not hard to see why it's devolving into a third-world city.  Uneducated, if not ineducable; colossally irresponsible in bringing three children into the world (by different fathers, yet) with no apparent thought as to how to provide for them.  Her life seems a hodgepodge of government handouts of one sort or another.  Even the job  she claims she's aiming at seems just another phony makework government job.

It's hard to know whether this kind of monumental cluelessness is somehow learned or just innate.  The result is the same in any case.  Third-world people make third-world cities-- and countries.  First-world people-- civilized, educated, responsible-- make first-world countries.  It's pretty much that simple."