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Thursday, October 11, 2012

marketplace money

Here's a link to the 'Marketplace Money' website.  Look for the October 5th show about poverty.


There are many segments, but the thing that struck me about so many of them was that these people had many more children than they could support.  One has to wonder how many of these people would still be under the poverty line if they had just stopped having children at two (or one for single mothers).  There was one Somali woman who had six out-of-wedlock children.  What the hell could she expect?

People shouldn't have children they can't support.  That means that people on welfare shouldn't have children.  The welfare system should provide serious-- and successful-- disincentives to having additional children.  Certainly there should be no increase in benefits.  In fact, among other things, maybe there should be a monthly bonus for NOT getting pregnant, and if the woman became pregnant anyway she would lose the bonus.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

irresponsible reproduction

This is one issue where I've become very right-wing.  I listened to a 'Marketplace Money' show on NPR last Saturday that made my blood boil.  I'll give the link and expand on this in a couple days when I have more time.  The subject was poverty and how people deal with it.  Yet all of these people had at least two children, and one had six, all out of wedlock!  I wonder how many of these people would fall below the poverty line if they had only two children per couple or one child per single mother.  These people are reproducing us into being a third-world nations!  More later.