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Friday, July 28, 2017

third-world california

It occurs to me that when the geriatric white leadership of California's Democratic Party (Brown, 79; Pelosi, 77; Feinstein, 84) finally shuffles off the scene, the state will quickly descend into third-world status run by the likes of Maxine Waters and Kamala Harris. There are already cities in California that are basically third-world-- think Stockton, San Bernardino. Unless something is done, that will be the future of most of the state. The Bay area and Silicon Valley may continue to prosper, plus a few enclaves in southern California, but basically the rest will become a third-world state.

Monday, July 17, 2017

intelligence, again

Low-intelligence people should stop reproducing. We don't need them. High-intelligence people should have more children; low-intelligence people should have fewer children. In particular, we want people with high levels of mathematical-logical ability.

The problem with low-intelligence people is that they may be basically ineducable and unemployable, particularly in the high-tech world of today. So these are the people who become the underclass, the welfare recipients and criminals. We don't need it.

Monday, July 10, 2017


The future belongs to the intelligent, not to the stupid and violent.