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Friday, August 31, 2018

overpaid entertainers

Why is it that top-level entertainers and athletes-- which is to say, entertainers-- are so vastly overpaid? The top scientists and engineers should make significantly more than mere entertainers. Somebody should do an economic analysis of why this is so. Is it just that the entertainment industry is run by a bunch of insane greedheads?

diversity vs. academic standards

Diversity is overrated. Academic standards are much more important. In fact, bringing in less qualified minority students in order to achieve 'diversity' probably means that academic standards will be lowered to accommodate them. That ain't right.

I see where the Justice Department is joining some Asian group in suing Harvard, saying that the university discriminated against more qualified Asian applicants in order to meet affirmative action quotas. Actually, I think a private university should be able to admit whoever it wants to for whatever reasons it wants to. The provisions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act that forbid this should be rescinded. At the same time, it would behoove Harvard to be transparent about this and make known the disparity in grades and test scores between their regular admittees and affirmative-action admittees.