Chez La Pierre, nothing at the 'supply' end is up for discussion
. Not the question of why high-end military weapons (and accessories) designed to kill large numbers of people as efficiently as possible should be available to private citizens. We're not talking whitetail deer here. Why on earth should private citizens to be able to buy bullets that can pierce inch-think armor at 1,000 yards (to choose but one example)?
.No mention of how the NRA colluded with the gun manufacturers to reverse declining profits. In an increasingly urban nation, hunting is simply not as popular as in the past. It's part of a demographically declining rural culture. But selling cool state-of-the-art military hardware has more than made up the deficit. Talk about male enhancement!
.Not the question of why we continue to allow this gun-show 'loophole.' Loophole? More of a gaping hole, in which 40% of gun sales require no federal background check.
No, there's nothing at the prevention end at all. It's all about the Gunfight at the OK Corral, this bunch's most fervent fantasy. And even within that context, putting an armed guard in every school hardly seems like the best allocation of resources. There might be a few school districts in Texas or Mississippi that would be willing to lay off yet another teacher to do this, but the appeal would seem to be quite limited. And certainly not on my federal tax dollar.
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