Which of these two candidates would get us further toward First World America? I don't think it's the 'Make America Great Again' candidate. We don't need a candidate who's as anti-science as Trump, at this late date still calling climate change a 'hoax' and a 'phony issue.' On the other hand, the thing that REALLY bothers me about Hillary is that she's so beholden to the black vote-- having piled up hundreds of delegates in southern primaries in states she doesn't have a prayer of winning in the fall-- that in office she would be nothing but a Quota Queen. More handouts and set-asides for black folks, which IMHO are the last things they need. I think they need to start living in the real world with the rest of us for a change.
It's a dismal choice, but in the event I'll hold my nose and vote for Hillary. Laws and executive orders can be repealed, but a ruined planet can't be.
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