This morning on the NPR 'Marketplace Tech' show, one of the guests was a woman who was head of the Iowa Black Business Coalition. She was bemoaning the fact that 'only' 9% of Apple's employees were African-American. Actually, this is a much higher percentage than at Facebook or Google and is the result of Apple's new affirmative action program.
Affirmative action is a form of handout, and it's even more pernicious than other handouts in that it's a zero-sum game. For every less-qualified black or Hispanic who's hired, a more-qualified white or Asian is shut out. That's wrong, and of course it will redound to the detriment of the company in fairly short order. You keep hiring less-qualified people over more-qualified people, and pretty soon you end up with an uncompetitive company. And we know what happens to them.
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