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Monday, June 25, 2018


Is it just me? Why do I get the feeling that this brouhaha over child separation at the border is just another ‘Gotcha!’ attempt by the Democrat-media complex to derail, first, the Trump candidacy and now the Trump presidency. The thing is, it’s just such a naked attempt to manipulate people’s emotions. ‘Trump Hates the Chilluns!’ Omigod. I think most people are smart enough to realize that this is a secondary issue. The important question is: Do you want this massive influx of illegal aliens across our southern border to continue? To that question, the overwhelming majority of Americans respond with a resounding ‘No.’

So if the Dem/media types think this issue is going to take them through the midterm elections, I think they’ve got their heads up their rear ends. In the first place, Trump has already taken most of the wind out of their sails with this executive order, although they’ll no doubt find some related aspects of this to keep bitching about. What they really want, of course, is for these families to be released into the general American population—in effect, an open-borders policy for these people. Make it across the Rio Grande, and you’re home free. They’d never have the guts to admit this, of course, because they realize most people totally disagree with them. But that’s what they really want.

And then there’s the sneaking suspicion that these people care more about illegal aliens than they do about Americans. After all, there are over a million American children separated from their parents who are in jail or prison. Have you heard a peep of concern about them? Of course not.

So my feeling is that this will fade as we move along toward November, that this will recede just like the Access Hollywood tape and Stormy Daniels and all the rest of them. ‘Gotcha!’ . . . not.

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