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Sunday, July 28, 2019

basic logic

One is struck by the fact that so many youngsters these days come out of our public school system after 10 or 12 years-- at considerable expense to the taxpayer-- with no knowledge and no skills. How does this happen? What are these kids doing, just sitting around talking about their goddam feelings all the livelong day? It would seem so.

One possible way to offset this would be to require high school students to take a course in basic logic, so that before they graduate they'll have some idea of the difference between a sylllogism and a tautology. I know, maybe this won't work. Maybe some students-- maybe a lot of them-- are simply immune to logic. But then at least when they indulge in over-emotional paroxysms, the illogic of their position can be pointed out to them. 'Don't you remember, we covered oxymorons in school.'

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