For some time now, I've adopted the convention of putting the word science in quotation marks when it's preceded by the word social: social 'science.' That's because whatever else may be coming out of social 'science' departments these days, it sure as hell ain't science. It's political activism, pure and simple.
This is more than a mere question of truth in labeling. Particularly in taxpayer-supported institutions, citizens have a right to expect that what goes on in these departments is a disinterested pursuit of the truth, wherever that may lead. Instead we have these phalanxes of agitators who have holed up in university departments when no one was looking, from which they speak and publish to push their personal agendas.
Students and taxpayers have a right to expect that lecturers will make impartial presentations of differing views on particular topics. This does not happen in departments in which opposing views cannot be presented, in which the lifetime meal ticket known as tenure is used to prevent differing voices from being heard. Legislators ought to look into these situations and require that social 'science' departments get back to the dispassionate pursuit of the truth. In other words, get back to science.
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